Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fight Back Against Bed Bugs!

Controlling a bed bug problem starts with discovering any infestations before guests do. Housekeepers are the first line of defense, and they should be trained to identify bed bugs and to regularly inspect mattresses and headboards for bugs or evidence of bugs. Spotting an infestation early also means a hotel can prevent a small problem from becoming a larger one.

The best way to treat bed bugs in the bedding is to place it in a dryer for about 30 minutes. Treating the mattress, carpet and other areas is more complicated. Managers can choose from a number of treatments, including chemical sprays, steaming and flash freezing. One of the frustrations is that bed bug chemicals only work when they hit a bug directly. There is no lingering or residual effect.

Better yet, call us at 708-396-0200

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