Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Liability and Bed Bugs

Being proactive is one way to deal with any potential legal liability because of bed bugs. While it is difficult, if not impossible, to determine how a bed bug entered a space, that’s not stopping some people from filing lawsuits.

Bed bugs are not known to transmit disease, but they can affect mental health and cause fatigue.

Let’s face it: ten years ago we didn’t have bed bugs in this country. We now do,” she said. “The bed bug is not a socioeconomic issue, not a hygiene issue. It’s a travel issue. If you move from one location to another you could be a carrier of bed bugs and not even know it. It could be on a shoe or a piece of luggage. You could have an infestation and totally clear it up - so you think - but they could come back again. This is an ongoing educational process on how to resolve the issue. Encasements is an important one, but it is only part of the solution.

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