Tuesday, October 28, 2014

House Spiders All Around

OH the dreaded "House Spider." You see them and scream in fear and distress but really, they are not going to hurt you. They would rather be left alone actually. However, the Brown Recluse (not in the photo above) is actually pretty dangerous and lives in cool, damp and dark spaces within the home. The Brown Recluse usually only attacks if threatened.

House Spiders, on the other hand, aren't that big of a deal. However, it is Fall and you are prone to see more spiders around the house than usual, especially if you live in wooded areas or on farms.

If you are in the Northwestern Indiana or Chicago land region, call Allied Services. WE can help!

708-396-0200 / 855-855-BUGS www.facebook.com/AlliedServicesPestManagement

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